Well it has taken a very long time, a lot of growth and learning, and seemingly the patience of Job to finally have this book ready for the public.
My first thought: WHEW!
It took a long time to get here. Those who have said publishing a book is a ton of work had it right; it is a lot of work. But the effort is worth it.
Do I want people to like the book, like the writing, like the style? Of course I do. But something I learned long ago was to write for myself. I am my own toughest critic. And what I wrote in Book 1 was based on my knowledge of history, my love for magic, my regard to tell a story in my head, and my desire to see others enjoy the story with me.
And my second thought: I have more stories to tell.
So I am going to tell them.
I hope you continue the journey with me.
Thank you!